Five things you can do every day to feel great
If you’re like me, you probably cringe at the word selfcare. It’s overused and trite and means everything and nothing. But it’s so important that you look after yourself so you can look after those you love. And so you can have the joyful life you deserve. Looking after yourself properly, caring for yourself like you would care for your loved ones, is utterly necessary. It’s putting on that oxygen mask first so you can help others put theirs on later. You’re no good to anyone, if you’re lying on the ground gasping for air (doesn’t sound like much fun either).
So here are five basic things you (and everyone else) should be doing each day:
1. Get. Enough. Sleep. Yup – not exactly a novel idea, but so important for our mental health. Good sleep is the basis for a good day, and you should start with a delicious bedtime routine. One that you look forward to, so you actually stick to it. Set an alarm for when it’s time to get ready for bed and start unwinding.
2. Eat a decent breakfast. One that nourishes your body with all the nutrients and energy you need to fly through your day. Cue: complex carbs and fresh fruit to nourish your brain and make you feel good.
3. Take at least three little pockets of ‘me-time’ throughout your day. (It goes without saying that if you have small kids, the loo is a perfectly acceptable place for this. Lock that door!) Just five minutes without your phone, without any tasks or interruptions. Take a few deep breaths and listen to your body and your emotions. How are you today? Right now? What can you appreciate around you? (Maybe the sun is shining? Or the rain has cleared the air? Or you’re looking forward to a nice chat with a friend?) Finish by thanking yourself for taking this time.
4. Move that body. Nope, no need for marathon training, but how about a walk after work, or a dance-off with your kids? Or partner?
5. Commit to repeating this routine tomorrow. Not forever – just tomorrow.
Do this for a week and notice the difference these little tasks make to your wellbeing. Let me know how you go; I’d love to hear about your experience. And if you want to go further in putting that oxygen mask on, drop me a line or call me to book an appointment.